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Empower your dozer crews to be their most productive

To pursue maximum productivity at your job site, you need to plan your work, and then work your plan. With intelligent Machine Control dozers, you can work your plan with efficiency and accuracy. Through automatic dozing, IMC-equipped machines help you make every pass count –from rough cut to finish grade.

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WATCH: Proactive Dozing in Action
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Automatic Dozing from Grass to Grade


  • Automatically tilts blade to maintain straight travel while rough dozing
  • Maintains consistent power to the ground and track

Watch Proactive Dozing in Action

Stripping Topsoil


Applications: Stripping topsoil, high-production dozing

  • Uses data from previous pass to plan the next pass
  • Automatically cut / strip from existing terrain
  • Helps new operators perform like experienced ones

Mass Excavation


Applications: Lifting, compaction quality control

  • Maintain precise lift thickness
  • Automatically spreads lift from existing terrain and helps prevent overfill
  • Up to double the production of prior model

Finish Grading


Applications: Finish Grading

  • Analyzes terrain and 3D model to proactively position blade in hard-to-grade areas
  • Helps prevent overcutting at finish grade

* Compared to previous IMC control methods
** Compared to traditional methods

IMC 2.0 Dozer Features

To deliver impressive grading performance, IMC enables the dozer to look ahead at grade transitions and alter the blade angle accordingly.

With proactive dozing control, even your less experienced operators can automatically cut/strip from existing terrain. The dozer measures the terrain it tracks over and uses that data to plan the next pass. Can improve productivity by up to 60% versus previous generation*.

Lift layer control automatically lets your operators spread fill from existing terrain with the press of a button. The dozer measures the terrain it tracks over and uses the data it gathers to plan the next pass. Attain up to double your production and achieve consistent layers for compaction quality*.

Operators can create a temporary design surface with the press of a button. Combined with other IMC 2.0 functions, your crew can begin stripping or spreading using automated input while waiting for the finish grade model.

Tilt steering control automatically tilts the blade to maintain straight travel during rough dozing. Reduces operator steering input by up to 80%**.

In select situations – auto stripping, rough dozing, spreading, advanced finish grading – operators can opt for nearly 100% machine control auto usage. They can even apply automatic control without having a 3D model.

Machine logic allows the dozer to continuously learn the terrain and make calculated decisions for the next pass. Intelligent Machine Control helps lessen the skill gap between new and experienced operators.

Automatic functions give the dozer the ability to learn from operator’s blade input, resulting in more adaptability, easier operation and less reliance on operator input.
Watch: What can Komatsu do to help with the loss of experienced operators?
Proactive dozing control, the first of its kind. Collecting terrain conditions, providing smoother transitions, and giving the operator automation in multiple phases of the jobsite.
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Watch: Komatsu Intelligent Machine Control 2.0

Introducing IMC 2.0, with new features like quick-design creation, tilt steering control and lift layer control that allows the operator to auto-spread in consistent layers for proper compaction and drying.
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Featured Komatsu IMC 2.0 Dozers

Komatsu D39PXi-24

Komatsu D51PXi-24

Komatsu D61PXi-24

Komatsu D71PXi-24


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